1. marts 2007: en sorgens dag

1. marts 2007: en sorgens dag
Borgmester Klaus Bondam sagde i et interview i dag, at kommunen havde gjort alt hvad de kunne, men det var de unge som ikke ville.
Det er en regelret løgn.
Politikerne kunne have givet Stevnsgade til de unge som kompensation for det tabte Ungdomshus. I stedet insisterede politikerne på at ungdomskulturen skal privatiseres, altså fonden skulle allernådigst have lov at købe huset for 12. millioner kroner.
Det eneste kommunen har gjort, er at forære en fanatisk højreorienteret sekt 30 millioner kroner.
Men faktum er, at Ungdomshuset igennem alle år har besparet kommunen enorme summer, i form af den frivillige arbejdskraft og den sociale funktion huset har haft. Ungeren har fungeret som fristed for mange unge, som kommunen ikke kunne tage sig af.
Ungeren har også taget i mod socialt udstødte, som normalt skulle være på behandlings/pleje hjem, men som har fundet sig til rette og blevet en del af huset, på deres egne præmisser.
Huset og kulturen har været selvdrevet i mange år, kun financieret fra salg af øl og entre.
Strøm og vand har huset selv betalt.
Bedre løsning kunne kommunen ikke få, når det gjaldt om at placere unge utilpassede et sted.
Meget ballade har der ikke været inden de unge for alvor blev truede. Men det handlede ikke kun om et hus, det handlede om de unges identitet og eksistensgrundlag. Vi ser det alle steder i verden. Når mennesker bliver trængt op i en krog, bider de fra sig.
Denne krig er alene politikernes ansvar. De har til enhver tid pligt til at styre landet, så befolkningsgrupper ikke bliver sat op mod hinanden, eller skabe situationer som denne; at en privat ejer tjener enorme summer på at tryne en subsistensløs, men frugtbar kultur, der rummer flere tusinde unge mennesker. -Unge mennesker, som er en ressource i samfundet, er samfundets fremtid!
Ungeren har rummet så meget, både før det blev Ungdomshus, og de sidste 25 år.
Der er de mest fantastiske historier fra huset. Om mennesker der skaber noget sammen, et alternativ til resten af samfundet. Om unge menneskers liv, tanker, drømme og ideer. Her mødte unge mænd og kvinder hinanden, blev forældre og her mødes deres børn.
Generationerne førte traditioner videre.... Jeg har kun en ting at sige til politikerne:

04 december 2006

Who made the Youth House fall?

Who made the Youth House fall,
Why an' what's the reason for?

"Not I," says the city mayo'Ritt,
"Don't point your finger it won't fit.
I could've stopped it in the fall
An' saved the Youth House and us all,
But the voters would've booed, I'm sure,
At not gettin' their money's worth.
It's too bad it had to go,
But there was a pressure on me too, you know.
It wasn't me that made it fall.
No, you can't blame me at all."

Who made the Youth House fall,
Why an' what's the reason for?

"Not us," says the angry crowd,
Whose screams filled the courthouse loud.
"It's too bad it died that night
But we just like the laws put right.
We didn't mean it to be so bad,
the kids were hurt and that is sad ,
They foolishly didn't want to go,
we didn't know it would happen so.
It wasn't us that made it fall.
No, you can't blame us at all."

Who made the Youth House fall,
Why an' what's the reason for?

"Not us," says the Father House,
Puffing on God's big cigar.
"It's hard to say, it's hard to tell,
We always follow God's own bell.
It's too bad for the stupid kids it's dead,
But the House was sick, we allways said.
It had to come down, t'was not evil,
that we made the deal, it was God's own will
That was what made it fall.
No, you can't blame us at all."

Who made the Youth House fall,
Why an' what's the reason for?

"Not me," says the kicking man,
With his police club still in hand.
"It wasn't me that knocked it down,
My hands never touched it none.
I didn't commit no ugly sin,
Anyway, I just took them kids for a spin.
It wasn't me that made it fall.
No, you can't blame me at all."

Who made the Youth House fall,
Why an' what's the reason for?

"Not me," says the paper writer,
Pounding print on his old typewriter,
Sayin', "typing ain't to blame,
we just want to write for fame."
Sayin', "Them kids and police got killed,
When the air with bricks were filled.
It wasn't me that made them fall.
No, you can't blame me at all."

Who made the Youth House fall,
Why an' what's the reason for?

"Not me," says the man on the street
t'was the hardest fate for them to meet,
I think those kids deserved a home
with their own music they could rome
But noone listened to me none
And I knew they never could have won
Don't tell me I could have done more.'
I have no power against the law!
It wasn't me that made them fall.
No, you can't blame me at all."

Who made the Youth House fall,
Why an' what's the reason for?


3 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...

Thanks, who ever you are, you said it all. It went right into my heart.

Anonym sagde ...

Hej, det er faktisk Dylans sang om Davey Moore, der var inspiration, fordi den også handler om at alle 'vasker deres hænder' efter et tragisk dødsfald, men den er måske alligevel så langt fra oplægget, at det er OK. Skriv videre på den, oversæt den til dansk, gør den sangbar, syng den!

Jeg tar den cigar, Martin!


Anonym sagde ...

Stærk oversættelse, sådan!
Nu mangler vi bare en sanger - med den originale melodi måske....
